Curious Agenda CIC is an inspiring, creative social enterprise that focuses on developing everyone’s natural curiosity, which is key to success in both the workplace and at home.

In the year since its formation, Curious Agenda has already inspired thousands through collaborations, events, workshops and more.

Founder Miia Forbes’ extensive teaching practice, along with a life-changing personal experience, meant she regularly experienced first hand the importance of curiosity for any individual. Nurturing it became central to her teaching and life practices and the results reaffirmed that curiosity is something of great benefit to everyone.

This ultimately led to the creation of Curious Agenda in 2022, although a semblance of an idea, as well as the name, had been conjured up many years previously.

Vintage etched style fox drawn delicately in purple with 9 tails instead of just one, spreading out from the place one tail would usually start.

“THE IMPACT THEY’ve HAD in SUCH a ShORT AMOUNT OF TIME is really incredible”

The Curious Agenda team has since undertaken an extensive deep-dive into curiosity, studying an abundance of scientific research and studies on the subject. The research strongly backs their belief in the power of a curious mindset and shows the benefits that curiosity can bring to be even greater and wider ranging than they imagined, for individuals, communities and the workplace! This has made Curious Agenda more determined in their mission, as curiosity could be key to improving the lives of so many.

Every Curious Agenda project has a charitable mission at its heart, and we will striving to benefit the community and beyond with our work.

Curious Agenda was born from a desire to help people by inspiring a curious mindset, but we also work hard to try to help tackle other societal issues and help support worthy charitable causes whenever we can. This is something that we will continue to expand on more as we grow.

Our community work is focused on the Hastings & Rother area. We listen to the needs and wants of the community and work hard to try to help facilitate what we can. Our Children’s and Youth Programmes in particular are our focus, drawing on the great deal of experience improving young lives within our team.

Vintage etched style can of sardines in purple, with a blue risography stye figure also in the can, making it look like they are tucked in bed, and a black risography style cat on top of the can, stretching with its behind and tail in the air.

With a strong foundation in education and consulting, Curious Agenda has developed innovative Curiosity Training programmes for individuals and businesses, as well as for the vibrant youth programme.

Curious Agenda does not deliver curiosity training through long boring lectures. We believe the best way to learn is hands on and fun. After all, how can you inspire curiosity unless you are doing something curious? Our curiosity training is designed to inspire a more curious mindset, through engaging practical activities, workshops, talks, games and more. Each program is tailored the group.

Charitable organisations and small businesses with the right ethos can access training at reduced rates.

Profit from business training programs will be fed back into community projects, furthering their charitable mission.

Science collage with lots of test tubes and vials in a modern etching style, supermposed with colourful shapes in a risography style inspiring curiosity.


Our mission is to inspire a more curious mindset and transform the personal and professional landscape by creating a space for people to be playful, mindful, see things from new perspectives, explore and get creative.

Our community work in Hastings & Rother aims to transform the lives of those in the area, as well as the community itself, through curiosity.

Through our curiosity-inspiring work we aim to promote mental well-being, empathy, innovation and so much more. Our mission is to help people become happier and more successful, in both life and work.

A black and white outline of a rocket with a light blue risography style silhouette surfing ton top. Around the image are purple stars and a yellow vintage etched style rocket, smaller in the background.


Vintage etched style eye and eyebrow in blue, with a colourful circle and star superimposed on the pupil and iris.

Our vision is for everyone to be able to tune into, practise and develop their most curious selves. Hastings & St Leonards will become the flagship Curious Town, with the creativity and curiosity of the town harnessed to its full potential, creating a healthier, more joyful community.

Curious Agenda will work as curiosity curator, educator and consultant for individuals, groups, organisations & brands. By doing this we are helping foster a more curious mindset, leading to happier, more successful and resilient individuals and businesses.

Inspiring empathic curiosity in communities leads more people to work to help others and for the common good, strengthening and improving the community, and the lives within it.

This curiosity wave continues to spread.

A Curious Future

In the future we hope to conduct our own research study into curiosity. We are curious about how extensively it can benefit different types of people.

This will be our curious agenda


Vintage etched style scales in light blue, with a purple risography style silhoutee swinging on the right hand side and a purple heart with a yellow star and blue pinwheel shape, clustered together on the left


We care about the environment and we want to be a force for positive change.

Not only are we committed to sustainability within our organisation, we also increase awareness of environmental issues within our activities.


We embrace differences. We create a working culture that is diverse and offers equal opportunities.

We are striving to become truly inclusive of people who experience racism, sexism, classism, or any other form of discrimination.


We care about making sure our spaces, activities and resources are accessible to all to meet the varying and expansive needs of people.

We are proactive in implementing changes wherever necessary, to ensure we remain accessible.


We create an environment where collaborators, employees and customers can think big, have fun, and do good.

In this environment everyone feels empowered, equipped, and enlightened, and we support each other to achieve our own personal goals, as well as the team’s.

Brian Grazer

“Curiosity—asking questions—isn’t just a way of understanding the world. It’s a way of changing it.”