children & youth

Curiosity inspiring sessions for teens.

Curious Agenda collaborates with expert facilitators and youth focused agencies to deliver mindset, digital and career focused skills training, in a curiosity fuelled way that doesn’t feel like work. The programme is developed with help from our youth ambassadors, giving young people ownership over their own training.

a purple cat on a yellow skateboard wearing blue headphones

Youth Ambassadors

Curious Agenda is always open to hearing from 12 - 18 year olds who would like to be a part of the curiosity mission.

As a youth ambassador you could be:

  • helping to develop the youth training programme

  • doing paid work and gaining valuable experience at an event

  • working on a creative project in the lead up to an event

  • supporting the children’s programme

  • becoming a mentor

  • advising the Curious Agenda team on matters that are important to young people today.

What you do is totally up to you!

Vintage etching style old camera in purple, with a blue silhouette human holding a black outline drawing umbrella and yellow cat jumping off the camera
Vintage etching style toy robot with colourful hearts super imposed.

Curious kids

Curious Agenda works to help facilitate programmes for children, responding to needs when they become apparent and matching the need with the right facilitators.

With a strong background in education, the Curious Agenda team also lead their own clubs, workshops and one off children’s events. We aim to train and mentor young people to take over the facilitation of ongoing activities such as clubs, while still providing continuous support and resources.



Charlie is a musician, creative, producer and technician passionate about the power of curiousity and music to change young lives for the better. Alongside Curious Agenda, he informs youth strategy and develops event logistics.